The month of April was certainly a busy time for the TIESEA team as the Dissemination and Capacity Building workshops were held in each of the four TIESEA countries.
Each country workshop included a presentation on the findings of the TIESEA intervention in the country and a range of capacity-building presentations designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of educators and stakeholders who participated in the workshops.
The workshops featured a Teacher Storytelling presentation, where teachers who were part of the TIESEA intervention shared their experiences and learnings, bringing the program’s success stories to life.
A range of experts then delivered informative and engaging capacity-building sessions focused on AI for Education, AI for Assessment, and EdTech trends across Southeast Asia.
We were incredibly fortunate to have a local PhET expert lead participants through the PhET Interactive Simulations presentation, which included a hands-on activity.
Rethinking Future Digital Assessments -Jeffrey Xu
In Cambodia, ADB gave the opening remarks, followed by the Director of the General Secondary Education Department at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, who highlighted the need to shift from passive to active learning as part of school reform. The final session of the day was a hands-on session with Ms. Nikita Kumar from Taghive. This presentation included a demonstration of the technology and how it is being used in the classroom.
Cambodia Draft Findings Kosal Chea EN
Cambodia Draft Findings Kosal Chea KH
Cambodia Teacher Story Telling EN
Cambodia Teacher Story Telling KH
The Philippines workshop included a message of support from TESDA Secretary, Suharto T. Mangudadtu and an informative presentation from Ms. Redilyn Agub, the Chief for NITESD eTESDA, discussing the background and strategy for the Philippines intervention.
During the STEM and Project-based Learning session, Mr. Glenn Mendoza, PhET, emphasized the effectiveness of situation-based learning in conjunction with physical laboratory work. The final session of the day in the Philippines was an insightful presentation from Mr. Paolo Balinas of Amazon Web Services, discussing AWS AI strategy, AWS Academy, and AWS re/Start.
Philippines Draft Findings Zenaida Domingo
Viet Nam
In Viet Nam, participants had the privilege of listening to presentations from Mr. Kieu Huy Hoa, the Viet Nam Program Director from Khan Academy, who discussed how Khan Academy, a non-profit organization providing education access outside the classroom, is being deployed across Viet Nam. The final presenter was Ms. Minh Nguyen, the Director of Development for InterEdu, who talked about the Imagine Academy and how teachers and students in Viet Nam can participate.
Vietnam Draft Findings Nguyen Hong Hanh VN
Vietnam KhanAcademy Presentation
The Indonesia workshop opened with a speech from Dr. Iwan Syahril, Ph.D., Director General of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Secondary Education, at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Techonology (MoECRT). He emphasized that it is the lower 50% of the students in primary and secondary education that need the most assistance. He also commented that during COVID isolation, teachers missed the opportunity to share with other teachers socially and professionally.
The Indonesia workshop included a presentation from Mr. Byeongjo (Jo) Kong, Digital Technology Specialist with ADB, showcasing a case study on GenAI for teacher assistance in Bangladesh. And the final session of the day was a panel discussion facilitated by Ms. Anne Taylor, Team Leader of the TIESEA project, with panelists from ADB, AWS, Google, Microsoft and UNESCO-ICHEI.
Indonesia Draft Findings Cahya Ratih EN