

Population: 110 million
Male/Female ratio: 55 million/ 55 million
Urban/Rural ratio: 55,560,000/ 54,440,000
No. of internet users: 73.91million
Internet penetration: 41.4%
Social media users: 89 million
Mobile connections: 152,4 million


The following demographic data have implications in the planning and implementation of ed tech initiatives in the county:
  • The population of the country is 110 million, of which about 55m are males and another 55m are females.
  • In terms of geographical spread, about 5,560,000 live in urban areas and 54,440,000 live in rural areas.
  • There are 91 million Internet users with two out of five households (41.4%) which either have personal computers, and/or broadband internet/Fiber internet/DSL
  • There are 89 million media users with 152.4 media connections or 138.2% of the total country population. This is attributed to multiple ownership as many people own two or three units (Source: Kemp 2021).
The major challenges of ed tech in the country are: (1) Unreliable connectivity (reach:   only 34% of households and 48% of schools;(2) providing access to the e-learning environment; (3)  provision of  adequate training for teachers and educators, and; (4) distributing resources and providing the right equipment to schools.   Despite these challenges, the country has made significant progress in education and has shifted its focus towards digital technology and innovation. A 2020 study summarizes these strides:

On the positive side, the novelty feature of educational technology in remote learning has made students interested in ICT-based learning – listening to the radio, viewing TV lessons, using computers, tablets, and cell phones. Parents too, felt like “learners” again.
  • There strong government support for technology in education, with special focus on hardware provision to schools. The prevailing model of classroom integration is learning about technology (i.e., digital literacy to prepare for the information age workforce) or teaching with technology (i.e., digitizing lesson plans to move from chalkboard to projector), but not learning with technology.
  • There are many efforts by a range of stakeholders, independently and in partnerships or coalitions, to create opportunities use technology in school.
  • Many organizations are involved in teacher training, and there is need for content coordination and focus, under the umbrella of a clear set of standards for what technology integration looks like and what teachers need to know and do to achieve that standard.
  • There is strong support for connecting last-mile schools and harnessing technology for out-of-school youth. The focus is hardware provision, improving internet connectivity and finding offline solutions for general digital pedagogy. These initiatives are work in progress and they need  subject-specific EdTech software or personalized learning applications.


Based on the five pillars of the ADB EdTech Readiness Framework, this report describes the current situation of education in Philippines in general, with a specific focus on how EdTech in being implemented to improve the quality of teaching and learning. The five pillars include infrastructure, government, schools/teachers, parents/students, and EdTech providers. By identifying the existing status of EdTech readiness, the report seeks to provide evidence against which decision-makers can identify initiatives likely to make a positive contribution to the quality of the education ecosystem and opportunities for public-private partnerships.


This section will provide regular update on the M&E status of the country pilot interventions


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