TIESEA project is happy to share the feature of the ADB Edtech Solutions in Last Mile Schools TA in the Philippine Country Office social media:
ADB EdTech Solutions for Last Mile Schools in COVID-19 provided the following:
– WiFi LAN antennas and solar panel systems in 21 last mile schools;
– 3,500 tablets to secondary students; and
– Digitized learning materials in English, Math, and Science for secondary students.
To access ADB Philippine Country Office social media: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
The ADB Technical Assistance Edtech Solutions in Last Mile Schools (TA 6670-PHI) is supporting the Department of Education (DepEd) of the Philippines in operationalizing the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (LCP), which will enable students to continue learning through blended learning modalities during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The TA will build the DepEd capacity and support distance education by developing content, training teachers, and piloting education technology (edtech) solutions to ensure that secondary school students have access to quality education throughout school year (SY) 2020/21 and beyond. The pilot will use low-cost tablets to be connected to a local area network (LAN) supported by a solar-powered battery antenna, and target learners in selected school divisions. The content will be accessible nationwide through DepEd platforms. More information at https://www.adb.org/projects/54404-001/main.